Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time off with my best friend

As part of our 2010 resolutions, hubby n I took time off from all the busyness of ministry life.
We went to check out the 'Blowhole' in Kiama. The Kiama Blowhole is a tourist haven. "Under certain sea conditions, the blowhole can spray water up to 25 metres (82 ft) in the air, in quantities that thoroughly drench any bystanders. The name Kiama itself is derived from a local aboriginal word which means "where the sea makes noise".It is situated 120km south of Sydney on the Australian east coast.
We generally took a walk around the blowhole. Very relaxing indeed.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year Everybody!

Dear family and Friends,

Yes, 2009 has finally come to an end! I must admit it went really quickly and glory be to God we survived all the challenges, family and ministry that came our way. We are also grateful to God for surrounding us with friends, family and staff that stood by and supported us through out the year.

It’s a nice and warm day in Sydney. Talk about summer in January! Yeah, it’s summer here!

First and foremost we want to thank God for the gift of life, for his love and faithfulness in our lives both in the nuclear and spiritual families through out 2009. To say it was a full on year would be an understatement. Every month of the year was so special leaving with it something memorable, all to the glory of God!

The summary of highlights:
• Ministry Trip to Malaysia
• Ministry Trip to Melbourne
• Prison Ministry
• Trip Home
• Turned 51

• Ministry Trip to England
• Prison Ministry
• Trip home and meeting siblings at mum’s 80th
• Turned 50

• Focusing on his music group and events management
• Turned 20

• Finished year 9
• Duke of Ed finished bronze award
• Turned 14


*10 yr anniversary- with lots of our EN leaders from the S/Pacific in attendance as well as the President of our Movement, Steve Murrell.
*1st EN. Australian Pastors & Leaders strategic Gathering.
1st EN Women’s conference- Diamond Conference
• Outreach Centre in Liverpool experienced increased stability with Paul Chibukwo and the leadership team.
• Increased working relationship with our EN church families around Australia
• Moved from our Kogarah church venue to a bigger place at Hurstville Entertainment Centre
• ENLI with 10 students finished year one
• Flight Youth Group event kicked off on a great note
Children’s Church witnessed a huge stability and increase. Big success with their performances.
• Bread ministry to the community throughout the year
• Taught Scriptures in local primary schools.
• Helped create a new way of life for one refugee family
• University students- increased no of church attendance and involvement in ministry.
• Worship ministry- Greater level of excellence and dedication.
• Men ministry’s support to Dr Thomas & family during their court cases
• Many new babies
• Church camp
• Downside- 2 members of the church were unfairly imprisoned but God is still in control.
Dear friends & family, we wish we could be right where you are today, to give you BIG hugs. Let’s all press in loving our God. Let’s press into His will for our lives and we’ll surely fulfill our destiny in 2010, in Jesus name, amen.
We love you dearly!

A wonderful 2010 everyone from the Opadiyas!